22 Results for year: 2015
My first year at Painter’s Lodge was in 1966. I was one of three newly hired guides. Each of us was given a Gibbs 8 spoon by legendary guide, Mike Rippingale, to use in the tyee pool. I didn’t really know what a “tyee” was until it was explained to me.
On August 8th, armed with ... my new, unproven spoon ... a set of markers (certain trees, ...
Tyee fishing with Ann Aikman. It is impossible to keep a Tyee a secret!
My first and only Tyee was rowed by my next door neighbour, Ann Aikman. She never tells me how, what, where to fish. She says I know as much as she does. This comes from a woman who has caught however many with her famous family.
We picked an afternoon tide on her day off because ...
Keen on Tyee fishing. Have you been away for the summer?
Another Tyee Fishing season will end at dark on September 15th. As I spend countless hours staring at my rod tip, I have ample opportunity to reflect on this amazing past time.
In 1968 I had the privilege of coming to Campbell River and met a very keen, young Painter’s Lodge Guide who introd...
The Bell
It was the beginning of the 10th Anniversary of the Ladies Invitational Tournament - August 26, 1996.
It was dark and quiet with an air of excitement surrounding an unusual group of women as they headed down the docks at April Point Lodge and into the boats to venture across Discovery Passage. This was a very special day and celebrati...
A Salute To The One That Got Away
By: Ken Enns
On that drizzly, misty September day, R.D. Berger and I were surprised to find no other boats in the Tyee Pool. Time and tradition awaited us in that marvelous holding water just south of the mighty Campbell River’s mouth. And, we would have it all to ourselves.
Sharpening the mood was the fact that ...
The Story of the 62 pound Tyee Caught on August 13th 1983
It was early morning and bright stars lit in the sky. Little did we know it would be a day to remember; a day that would make history. It was August 13th 1983. Barry, Tammy and I made our way in our rowboat towards the famous Tyee Pool, just south of where the Campbell River enters the ...
This isn't really a fish story, rather a short memoir of time spent growing up in a fishing family.
Our Dad instilled in all of his kids a keen interest in the ocean environment we still pursue in our thirties. Our Dad has always been serious about his fishing, and as a result we spent the better part of our childhood either trolling up and down ...
Peter Winter is a big ruddy man, sound, strong, with an easy-going manner born of years in the classroom with unruly kids and teachers, and a thick shock of white hair. He guides fishermen out of Campbell River, B. C., where silver (Coho), and king (chinook, spring) salmon usually abound. Occasionally he can be found in a motor boat, ...
Foghorns and Fish
Foghorns woke me this morning. Lying sleepily abed after daylight broke, the drift of fog obscured the rising sun, I remembered that I was not in Kansas anymore. But I might be fishing in a fog very soon.
Fishing in the Tyee Pool during a fog can be exciting. On the water, the fog is impenetrable, landmarks very ...
A Note to the Tyee Club from Bob Hall
My name is Bob Hall. I had the chance on August 18 and 19, 2007 to try fishing for a Tyee. On Friday my friend, Dave Wardell, went to the club house and signed me up. On Saturday evening Dave rowed me into a 36.5 pound Tyee. I have taken a few salmon, from Sooke to Port Renfrew, my biggest being 54 pounds, all ...