All Tyee Club of BC application forms will be placed in this common location. This includes forms such as the ‘Wharf Berth Application’ and the ‘Director Nomination’.
Wharf Berth Request Form
Please fill in the following form (MS Word format) if you wish to be placed on a waiting list for a Wharf Berth on the Tyee Club Dock.
*Please note that the cost of a Wharf Berth for the 2023 season is now $275.00
Wharf Berth Allocation Form
The following form (PDF format) shows current Wharf Berth Allocations on the Tyee Club Dock. This document will be updated on a regular basis.
Director Nomination Form
Are you Interested in becoming a member of the Tyee Club of BC Board of Directors? Please fill in the following form (MS Word format) and submit to the current President. For further information, please contact a member of the Board of Directors Executive.
Directorship Notes
Potential Director’s should be familiar with the following notes (PDF format).