TYEE TALES – Mike Kauertz
Mike Kauertz Story 2014
After a few seasons, that I sadly missed, I finally got back to Campbell River and Tyee fishing on August 17th (2014). I had already been out for 2 tides and was sitting at the clubhouse August 21st around 9am, polishing a few spoons that I had never fished. I spotted 2 boats out fishing at the (South) corner; Randy and Peter. I thought, I’d give it a try. Bright sunshine, a wonderful day.
I said to Bob, our weighmaster, I’ll be back shortly and put a fish on the scale. Off I went.
Sure enough, I hooked a fish. I stayed out of the pros way, and the fish took me from the corner, past the clubhouse, towards the red can, and put on a great show.
When I finally netted it, I was sure it was 40 pounds, or bigger. If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it. Strange things happen, when you’re out there. This fish shrank and lost more than 10 lbs in less than 10 minutes! I wish i could do that!
30 lbs exactly at the scale…rang the bell 3 times and put on my shorts for the picture…
Mike Kauertz